
Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Announcements > 2017 > Response to the article about the release of tritiated water into the ocean


Topics(Jul 14, 2017)
Response to the article about the release of tritiated water into the ocean

A certain article reported today, "TEPCO decided to release tritiated water into the ocean" quoting the comment of TEPCO's chairman Mr. Kawamura about the release of tritiated water into the ocean. The comment intended to say that TEPCO shares the same recognition with Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Dr. Tanaka, et al. that in accordance with the current regulation and standard based on scientific and technical ground, there should not be an impact of releasing tritiated water into the ocean. The comment did not intend to announce the concluded policy of the company on the matter.

We need to give our full attention to the satisfaction of both peace of mind of local residents and reconstruction of Fukushima, as well as the safety requirement to meet regulation and standard for the final decision. We will carefully examine our policy on the matter with the government and local stakeholders from such a perspective.

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