
Corporate Information

Press Release (Mar 13,2007)
Conclusion of a technical consulting agreement regarding the construction, operation, and maintenance of an advanced boiling water reactor (ABWR) in the United States. -TEPCO to provide expertise on ABWR to the first Nuclear Power Plant expected to be built in the United States in 30 years.-
The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. has signed a technical consulting
agreement with the South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC)
regarding construction, operation, and maintenance of an expansion at the
South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STP) facility with a
twin-unit ABWR.

Recently, movement towards construction of nuclear plants has accelerated
in reaction to the increase in crude oil price, to secure a stable energy
supply, and to prevent global warming.
In the United States, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 enacted on August 8,
2005, established nuclear generation as one of the principal pillars for
energy supply and has provided attractive incentives.
Moreover, in January this year, Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister
Akira Amari and United States Energy Secretary Samuel W. Bodman agreed on
the Cooperation on Energy Security, in which support for new nuclear plant
construction is included.

Under this circumstance, NRG Energy, Inc. (NRG), one of the largest power
generators in the United States, is planning to build two additional units
(Units 3 and 4) at STP to meet the needs of a growing Texas market.
NRG intends to make this project the first nuclear power plant to be built
in the United States in 30 years.
The ABWR has been chosen for this project and STPNOC was commissioned by
NRG, one of the owners of STP, to develop STP Units 3 and 4.

STPNOC is currently proceeding with the application for a combined construction
and operation license (COL) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 
During this process, STPNOC requested TEPCO, who possesses expertise in
construction, operation, and maintenance of ABWR, to provide technical
consulting services.
TEPCO has over a decade of experience on operating ABWRs at the Kashiwazaki
Kariwa Nuclear Power Station and appreciate this opportunity to utilize its
expertise to substantiate the mutual cooperation on energy security between
Japan and the United States.

Specific tasks are subject to further discussion with STPNOC.

TEPCO will seek further growth and development by utilizing our technical
expertise and knowledge in overseas consulting business and power generation

Overview of the technical consulting agreement regarding construction, operation,
and maintenance of ABWR in the United States (PDF 36KB)
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