
Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Press Releases > 2013 > Revision of Compensation Eligibility Criteria for Damages to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industries and the Processing and Distribution Industries Caused by Harmful Rumors

Press Releases 2013

Press Release (Mar 25, 2013)Revision of Compensation Eligibility Criteria for Damages to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industries and the Processing and Distribution Industries Caused by Harmful Rumors


We deeply apologize to the people in the surrounding areas of Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Stations as well as broader society for the tremendous inconvenience and anxiety caused by the accident.

Based on the "Third Supplement to the Interim Guidelines on Criteria for Determining Nuclear Damage Indemnification Coverage (Damages to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industries and the Food Industry Caused by Harmful Rumors)" determined at the Dispute Reconciliation Committee for Nuclear Damage Compensation on January 30, 2013, the business entities eligible to receive compensation for damages (such as loss of income) to the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries and the processing and distribution industries caused by harmful rumors have been changed as follows.

1. Business entities newly entitled to receive compensation
(1) business entities in the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries producing the following goods who have suffered damages due to harmful rumors such as customer reluctance to buy their products following the establishment of the interim guidelines* (August 5, 2011 and later).
a. Agricultural products (Food products except for tea and livestock products): Those who produce agricultural products in Iwate or Miyagi Prefecture.
b. Forest products (for edible use): Those who produce forest products in Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Hiroshima* Prefecture or Tokyo.
*Confined to "shiitake mushrooms" for Hiroshima Prefecture.
c. Tea: Those who produce tea in Miyagi Prefecture or Tokyo.
d. Milk and dairy products (for edible use or animal consumption): Those who produce milk and dairy products in Iwate, Miyagi or Gunma Prefecture.
e. Fishery products (for edible use or animal consumption): Those who produce fishery products in Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi Prefecture or Hokkaido.
f. Livestock food, firewood and charcoal: Those who produce livestock food, firewood or charcoal in Iwate, Miyagi or Tochigi Prefecture.
g. Compost made of livestock manure: Those who produce compost made of livestock manure in Iwate, Miyagi, Ibaraki, Tochigi or Chiba Prefecture.
(2) Agricultural and processors of marine or food manufacturers dealing mainly in agricultural and marine products mentioned in (1) above who suffered actual damages incurred after the interim guidelines were developed.
(3) Distributors continuously dealing with the goods mentioned in (1) and (2) above who suffered actual damages incurred following the establishment of the interim guidelines.

2. Damages covered by compensation
The following damages caused by harmful rumors are eligible for compensation. The damages incurred prior to the establishment of the interim guidelines are to be dealt with on individual basis.
a. Lost earnings due to business operations affected by harmful rumors
b. Cost of radiation testing demanded by their clients
c. Additional costs incurred by other factors than radiation testing (materials)

3. Dispatch and acceptance of application forms
Application forms in accordance with the applicable industries and products will be sent out starting from March 27, 2013 (acceptance of application forms will start on the same day). In order to file a compensation claim, please contact the "Fukushima Nuclear Compensation Office (Call Center)" below.

*Interim guidelines: "Interim Guidelines on Criteria for Determining Nuclear Damage Indemnification Coverage" determined at the Dispute Reconciliation Committee for Nuclear Damage Compensation.

< Contact Info for Nuclear Accident Damage Claims >
Fukushima Nuclear Compensation Office (Call Center)
Telephone: 0120-926-404
Hours of Operation: 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

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