
Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Announcements > 2014 > Regarding a Jiji Press article on February 10, 2014, "TEPCO did not disclose data of highly contaminated groundwater of Fukushima Daiichi= 5 million Bq last summer when obtained: Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA)"


News related to TEPCO(Feb 12, 2014)
Regarding a Jiji Press article on February 10, 2014, "TEPCO did not disclose data of highly contaminated groundwater of Fukushima Daiichi= 5 million Bq last summer when obtained: Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA)"

-The Jiji Press states in its article "TEPCO did not disclose data of highly contaminated groundwater of Fukushima Daiichi= 5 million Bq last summer when obtained: NRA" that "TEPCO explained to the NRA that it obtained the highest level of Strontium 90 in July 2013. The facts regarding this issue are as follows.

-There are no facts that TEPCO had obtained the analysis result data (sampling water from groundwater observation hole 1-2, taken on July 5, 2013) in July, 2013.

-There are neither any facts that TEPCO explained to the NRA that it had obtained the analysis result in July, 2013, or that TEPCO corrected to the NRA the time when it obtained the analysis result.

July 5, 2013  Sampling water was taken from the Groundwater observation hole No.1-2
July 26, 2013  Radioactive analysis of the aforementioned water started.
September 12, 2013  The analysis finished, however, TEPCO had suspended the definition of the data. Because on the other analysis, on July 24, 2013, it was found that the measured Sr-90 were above that of Gross β, and the cause of such inversion was not determined.
February 5, 2014 TEPCO announced the cause of the inversion of Sr-90 and Gross β.
February 6, 2014 TEPCO defined and announced the analysis result of the aforementioned data (Sr-90 of the sampling water from groundwater observation hole 1-2, taken on July 5, 2013), which had been suspended.

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