
Corporate Information

Press Release (Feb 07,2006)
Financial Results for the first three quarter of Fiscal Year 2005 (Nine Months Ended December 31, 2005)

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) announced that operating revenues for
the first three quarters of fiscal 2005 (from April 1 to December 31,
2005) increased by 2.8% from the same period of the previous year to
¥3,814.8 billion (up 0.1% to ¥3,573.8 billion on a non-consolidated
basis).  Ordinary income declined 20.5% to ¥291.0 billion (down 21.4% to
¥278.9 billion on a non-consolidated basis). Net income fell 10.4% to
¥179.5 billion (down 18.9% to ¥183.6 billion on a non-consolidated basis).

Electricity sales in the first three quarter decreased by 0.1% from the
year-earlier period to 212.4 billion kWh, nearly the same level as in
the previous year. Demand for air conditioning during the first half
decreased, reflecting the previous year's record hot summer, while
electricity demand from the industrial sector was lower than the
year-earlier level. However, heating demand increased as the temperatures
were lower than the year-earlier levels in November and December.

Of the total, electricity sales for lighting increased by 1.7% from the
year-earlier period to 66.5 billion kWh.  Low-voltage power decreased by
3.4% to 9.9 billion kWh.  Electricity sales to eligible customers fell
0.7% to 136.1 billion kWh.

Among revenues in the three quarters, electricity sales revenues decreased
by 1.3% from the year-earlier period to ¥3,391.2 billion because of the
reduction in electricity rates in October 2004 and other factors. Total
operating revenues, which also include sales to other utilities or
companies and those at POWEREDCOM, Inc., which became a TEPCO subsidiary
at the end of the first half of fiscal 2004, increased by 2.8% to ¥3,814.8
billion (up 0.1% to ¥3,573.8 billion on a non-consolidated basis).
Ordinary revenues rose 3.0% to ¥3,848.2 billion (up 0.3% to ¥3,600.2
billion on a non-consolidated basis).

In the expense category, as to the electric power business, TEPCO worked
to improve the efficiency of its overall operations through measures such
as reducing depreciation expenses by reducing capital expenditures, and
spent nuclear fuel reprocessing expenses decreased.  However, fuel costs
rose substantially due to the jump in crude oil prices. On a consolidated
basis, costs increased as POWEREDCOM, Inc. became a subsidiary. As a
result, ordinary expenses increased 5.6% to ¥3,557.1 billion (up 2.7%
to ¥3,321.3 billion on a non-consolidated basis).

Summary of Financial Results for the first three quarter of Fiscal Year 2005
(Nine Months Ended December 31, 2005)
Comparison of Revenues and Expenses (Non-Consolidated)
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