
Corporate Information

Press Release (May 27,2011)
Enhancement of medical system in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station by the cooperation of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare(Continuous presence of medical doctor)
Regarding medical system in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, we 
attempted to have the medical doctor to attend every day with widespread 
support including University of Occupational and Environmental Health; 
however, previously there were some periods in the midnight or early in the 
morning when no medical doctor is attend.

Recently, by the cooperation of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the 
medical doctor will be dispatched through Japan Labour Health and Welfare 
Organization, as a result, the medical system with 24 hour attendance of 
medical doctor will be established.

We appreciate very much the great support from Ministry of Health, Labour 
and Welfare in such a severe situation to secure medical doctors.

We will endeavor to make further enhancement of medical system such as 
multiple attendance of medical doctor or improvement of carrying system, 
with the cooperation of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 
Reference: Medical system in Fukushima Daiichi, Daini Nuclear Power Station 
                                                 and J-Village (PDF 8.84KB) 
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