
Corporate Information

Press Release (May 31,2011)
Partial amendment of Special Measures for the electricity bills for the customers who have suffered from the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake in 2011
We sincerely express our best wish for all the customers who have suffered 
from the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake ("Earthquake").

If requested from customers who suffered from Earthquake in cities, wards, 
towns or villages where the Disaster Relief Act was applied and their 
adjacent areas, we have been offering special measures for the electricity 
bills for such customers (as previously announced on March 15th, 16th, 
18th, 25th and 31st). Considering that evacuation period is continuing 
longer than expected, we decided to partially amend the special measures 
and applied to Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry for exceptional 
conditions on electricity supply (Special Measures for the customers who 
have seriously suffered from the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake) to 
General Supply Provisions, based on a proviso of Section I of Article 21 of 
Electricity Business Act and received his approval.

The outline of the partial amendment of special measures on electricity 
rates and others is as follows.

1.Further rescheduling of the due date for electricity bills

<Eligible customers>
After March 11, 2011, based on the request of customers who have suffered 
from the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake ("Earthquake") in our 
service areas where the Disaster Relief Act was applied and in their 
adjacent ones, special measures will be applied.

<Special Measures>
Every payment due date (30 days after the next day of the metering) will be 
respectively deferred for 7 months regarding the February 2011 bill (only 
in case the original payment due date is after March 11, 2011), for 6 
months regarding the March 2011 bill, for 5 months regarding the April 2011 
bill, for 4 months regarding the May 2011 bill, for 3 months regarding the 
June 2011 bill, for 2 months regarding the July 2011 bill and for 1 month 
regarding the August 2011 bill.

2.Rescheduling of the due date for electricity bills at new addresses

<Eligible customers>
After March 11, 2011, if customers who have suffered from Earthquake in the 
service areas of TEPCO or Tohoku Electric Power Co. Inc. where the Disaster 
Relief Act was applied and in their adjacent areas have moved in our 
service area with new power contracts with TEPCO and request the 
application for the special measures, the measures will be applied.

<Special Measures>
Every payment due date (30 days after the next day of the metering) will be 
respectively deferred for 6 months regarding the March 2011 bill, for 5 
months regarding the April 2011 bill, for 4 months regarding the May 2011 
bill, for 3 months regarding the June 2011 bill, for 2 months regarding the 
July 2011 bill and for 1 month regarding the August 2011 bill.
Appendix: The areas and their adjacent areas where Disaster Relief Act 
          applied (As of May 31, 2011) (PDF 15.4KB)
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