Due to the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake which occurred on March
11th 2011, TEPCO's facilities including our nuclear power stations have
been severely damaged. We deeply apologize for the anxiety and
inconvenience caused.
With regard to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, on
April 17th, we have compiled the roadmap towards restoration from the
accident and then we updated the roadmap considering the current situation,
on May 17th. By bringing the reactors and spent fuel pools to a stable
cooling condition and mitigating the release of radioactive materials, we
will make every effort to enable evacuees to return to their homes and for
all citizens to be able to secure a sound life.
Below is the status of TEPCO's major facilities.
*Updates from previous press release are underlined.
[Nuclear Power Station]
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1 to 3: shutdown due to the earthquake
(Units 4 to 6: outage due to regular inspections)
- At approximately 8:00 am on May 31, we confirmed oil leakage to the sea
around the curtain wall of the water intake canal of Unit 5 & 6 and
reported the issue to Futaba Wide-area Fire Headquarters and Fukushima
Coastguard Office. As a result of our investigation, we confirmed that
oil leaked from pipes around seawall to the port through holes of steel
sheet piles and that the leakage already stopped. Since the diffused
area was just around the curtain wall and the surface of the sea around
Shallow Draft Quay and the oil film was very thin, we confirmed that
there is no spread to the outer sea. We completed installing
oil-absorbing mat around seawall at approximately 2:00 pm and also
completed installing oil fences at 4:50 pm. We plan to protect pipes
around seawall and collect the oil.
- Since we finished monitoring trends of parameters, at 8:30 pm on May 31,
we changed the rate of water injection to the reactor of Unit 1 from
approx. 6 m3/h to approx. 5 m3/h.
- On April 16th, in order to check the condition of the water in the spent
fuel pool of Unit 2, we collected and conducted a nuclide analysis of
approximately 400 ml of water that flowed out of the pool into the
skimmer surge tanks, and as a result iodine-131, cesium-134, and
cesium-137 were detected. Later we conducted detailed analysis, and on
May 31 we concluded that the large portion of spent fuel is sound.
- At 11:40 am on May 31, we conducted leakage test on the primary system
of the alternative cooling system of the spent fuel pool at Unit 2. At
5:21 pm on the same day, we started the operation. At 6:11 pm we reached
to the rate flow (approx. 100m3/h). Later at 1:47 am on June1, we
adjusted the flow rate to 80m3/h.
At 5:06 am on June 1, we stopped primary pumps. From 6:06 am, we started
fresh water injection through spent fuel pool cooling and filtering
system of Unit 2. At 6:53, we finished the injection and at 7:06 am we
reactivated primary pumps.
- On April 12, in order to check the condition of the water in the spent
fuel pool of Unit 4, we collected approx. 200ml of the water in the pool
using concrete pumping vehicle. On April 13, we conducted nuclide
analysis of the sample and detected Cesium 134, Cesium 137, and Iodine
131. Later we conducted detailed analysis, and on May 31 we concluded
that the large portion of spent fuel is sound.
- At approximately 2:30 pm on May 31, big sound was confirmed at the
southern side of the reactor building of Unit 4, where wireless unmanned
heavy machineries were removing rubbles. We confirmed that it was the
impact sound when the unmanned heavy machinery tucked and broke some
cylinder. Nobody got injured. There was no change in the data of the
monitoring post.
- We analyzed strontium in seawater collected on May 9 and detected
strontium 89 and 90.
- On May 31, we sprayed dust inhibitor to the area of approx. 8,750m2
including near the main gate.
Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1 to 4: shutdown due to the earthquake
Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1, 5, 6, 7: normal operation
(Units 2 to 4: outage due to regular inspection)
[Thermal Power Station]
- Hirono Thermal Power Station Unit 2 and 4: Shutdown due to the
[Hydro Power Station]
- Power supply has returned to normal and facilities damaged by the
earthquake are now being handled in a timely manner.
[Impacts on Transmission Facilities]
- Power supply has returned to normal and facilities damaged by the
earthquake are now being handled in a timely manner.
[Perspective of Power Supply and Demand Balance in this Summer]
We have worked to restore electricity supply after our nuclear and thermal
power facilities were severely damaged by Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki
Earthquake. This time, we revised that the supply capacity in this summer
would increase because we could plan to secure an additional capacity.
However, in order to maintain the policy of avoiding further
implementation of rolling blackouts during the summer, in addition to the
above increase of the supply capacity, we sincerely ask for your continued
cooperation in reducing electricity consumption. Now we are creating
concrete measures considering "Outline of Countermeasures for Power Supply
and Demand During Summertime" presented by the Electricity Supply-Demand
Emergency Response Headquarters of the Japanese government.
(Previously Announced)
In the event that an unplanned outage such as excessive continuous
operation in old plants and a sudden increase of power demand due to
unusual hot temperature occur, there is a possibility to affect a stable
power supply. In order to maintain the policy of avoiding rolling
blackouts, we steadily implement to install additional power capacity we
have planed, and we continuously do our best efforts to secure supply

Appendix: Past Progress (PDF 152KB)
* Revised past progress