We have been making best effort to settling down the status of affairs after
the accident occurred on March 11, also have been making effort to improvement
of working environment of workers towards earliest termination.
Currently we are sequentially establishing rest areas for workers throughout
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, and installing water feeding
machine and introducing Cool Vest as a countermeasure against heat disorder in
(Announced on June 10 and July 2, 2011)
We would like announce that we have newly established three rest areas since
July 2, 2011. Also, we would like to announce the status of preparation for
the countermeasures against heat stroke such as wearing Cool Vest.
We will continuously make best effort to improve working environment and life

attachment1: Status of installing rest areas for workers(PDF 284KB)
attachment2: Status of preparation for the countermeasures against heat stroke
such as Cool Vest(PDF 40.2KB)