Due to the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake which occurred on March 11, 2011, TEPCO's facilities including our nuclear power stations have been severely damaged. We deeply apologize for the anxiety and inconvenience caused.
With regard to the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, on April 17, 2011, we have compiled the roadmap towards restoration from the accident and on July 19 we accomplished the Step1 target "Radiation dose is in steady decline". Then on December 16 we confirmed the accomplishment of the Step 2 target "Release of radioactive materials is under control and radiation doses are being significantly held down".
In addition, on December 21, 2011, we have compiled the "Mid-to-long-Term Roadmap toward the Decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Units 1-4, TEPCO".
In addition to the maintenance of the plant's stable condition, we will implement Mid-to-Long Term countermeasures towards the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Units 1-4 to enable evacuees to return to their homes as soon as possible and reduce the anxiety of the people in Fukushima and the whole nation as soon as possible.
Below is the status of TEPCO's nuclear power stations (Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini).
* The updates are underlined.
[Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station]
·Unit 1 to 4: Abolishment (April 19, 2012)
·Unit 5 to 6: Outage due to regular inspections before the earthquake
-As the fluctuation in the amount of water injection to Unit 2 reactor was confirmed at 5:52 PM on July 19, the amount of water injection from the water supply system was adjusted from approx. 3.0m3/h to approx. 3.1m3/h, and the amount of water injection from the reactor core spray system was adjusted from approx. 5.8m3/h to approx. 5.5m3/h.
-We removed 2 pieces of the new fuel (unirradiated fuel assembly) which had been stored in the Unit 4 spent fuel pool from July 18 to July 19. The transportation to common pool building was completed at 4:47 PM on July 19. We will investigate the corrosion condition of the removed fuel.
[ Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station ]
·Unit 1 to 4: Shutdown due to the earthquake.
-At around 12:05 PM on July 20, a worker from cooperative company found out another worker from cooperative company who was bleeding from the head and lying at the cooperative company welfare facility inside the nuclear power plants (uncontrolled area). We called an ambulance at around 12:15 PM, and called an air ambulance at around 12:27 PM. The air ambulance arrived at the plant at around 12:54 PM, and transported to Matsumura General Hospital in Iwaki City at around 2:00 PM. The injured worker is being in a physical examination. The worker is awake, and no radioactive material is found. For a reference, the worker came to register in order to work in the plant, and did not work there.
-The monitoring posts (No.1-7) located at the power station site boundary has been under regular inspection since July 10. The inspection is conducted on one post at a time, meanwhile other six posts are used for measurement and confirmation.
Inspection for No. 1: From 9:31 AM to 3:00 PM on July 10
Inspection for No. 2: From 9:31 AM to 3:00 PM on July 11
Inspection for No. 3: From 9:31 AM to 3:00 PM on July 12
Inspection for No. 4: From 9:31 AM to 3:00 PM on July 13
Inspection for No. 5: From 9:31 AM to 3:00 PM on July 18
Inspection for No. 6: From 9:31 AM to 3:00 PM on July 19
Inspection for No. 7: From 9:31 AM to 3:00 PM on July 20

Past Progress (As of 3:00 pm, on July 20, 2012) (PDF 450KB)
Past Progress (From March 11, 2011 to December 31, 2011) (PDF 523KB)
Revised past progress
The aforementioned attachments are only available in Japanese.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.