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Press Releases 2013

Press Release (May 31, 2013)Change of the Amount of Financial Support (The Fourth Time)

Today, we have submitted the fourth change of the amount of financial support received from the Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fund in accordance with Article 43 Clause 1 of the Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fund Law.

The amount of financial support from the fund has increased 666.255 billion yen due to situational changes such as the redefinition of the evacuation zone and the extension of compensation eligibility criteria for damages to the agriculture, forestry and fishery industries based on the "Third Supplement to the Interim Guidelines” as well as increase of the compensation for mental damages to those who requires nursing care.

< Reference 1 > Hsitory of the request of financial support for compensation

October 28, 2011
Request for financial support: 890.908 billion yen
December 27, 2011
Change of financial support amount: 1.580322 trillion yen (+ 689.414 billion yen)
March 29, 2012
Change of financial support amount: 2.426271 trillion yen (+ 845.949 billion yen)
December 27, 2012
Change of financial support amount: 3.123079 trillion yen (+ 696.808 billion yen)
May 31, 2013 (this time)
Change of financial support amount: 3.789334 trillion yen (+ 666.255 billion yen)

< Reference 2 > Breakdown of the increase in financial support

- The redefinition of the evacuation zone and the reexamination of the estimated amount regarding the compensation for mental damages, loss or depreciation of valuables such as housing lands and buildings in accordance with “Start of Application Procedure Concerning Compensation for Housing Lands, Buildings, Land Lease Rights, etc. (announced on March 29, 2013)”: Approx. 370 billion yen

- Increase of the estimated amount regarding the compensation for harmful rumors in accordance with “Revision of Compensation Eligibility Criteria for Damages to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industries and the Processing and Distribution Industries Caused by Harmful Rumors (announced on March 25, 2013)” based on the "Third Supplement to the Interim Guidelines”: Approx. 43 billion yen

- Increase of the compensation for mental damages to those who requires nursing care: Approx. 13 billion yen

- Amount added due to the extended compensation calculation period applied to the compensation for shipment restriction and harmful rumors: Approx. 240 billion yen

Total: Increase of 666.255 billion yen

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