
Top > Releases ・ Announcements > Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report > 2013 > Steam-like Gas Found Near the Central Part of the Fifth Floor (Equipment Storage Pool Side) of Unit 3 Reactor Building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Follow-up Information)

Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2013

Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report (Jul 18, 2013)Steam-like Gas Found Near the Central Part of the Fifth Floor (Equipment Storage Pool Side) of Unit 3 Reactor Building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Follow-up Information)

This is a follow-up report on the statuses of steam-like gas found wafting through the air near the central part of the fifth floor (equipment storage pool side) of Unit 3.

Subcritical state is found to be maintained at 9:20 AM, and the plant status is as follows.

- Reactor water injection, cooling of the spent fuel pool:
Continuing stably
- Monitoring post readings, continuous dust monitor amounts:
No significant change was found
- Temperature of RPV/PCV:
No significant change was found
- Noble gas monitor:
No significant change was found
- Nitrogen injection of PCV:
No significant change was found

Ambient dose measurement of the upper part of Unit 3 Reactor Building and dust sampling of near the location, where this incident was found, will be performed.

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