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Press Releases 2013

Press Release (Sep 19, 2013)(Comment)Our Response to Prime Minister Abe's Requests

Today, we received three requests from Prime Minister Abe, during his visit to Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS).

We are taking his words seriously, and would like to take the following measures, recognizing the contaminated water issues as top priority.

(1)Secure funds/budgets which could be used by the site at its own discretion to ensure safety measures towards the decommissioning works.

We will secure 1 trillion yen by cutting costs and reducing investment in addition to the approx. 1 trillion yen allocated so far for the decommissioning works, in case the same amount becomes necessary for other measures.

(2)Decontaminate the contaminated water within a specific period

We will work through the treatment of the contaminated water, to complete decontamination of all water within FY2014, by further strengthening multi-nuclide removal facilities.

(3)Determine the decommissioning of the suspended Units 5 and 6 at Fukushima Daiichi NPS to focus on accident management

Taking in account Prime Minister Abe's request, we will determine the future plans for Units 5 and 6 at Fukushima Daiichi NPS units by the end of this year, which are not yet determined. It will be processed through collecting ideas from the related persons.

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