Press Release (Apr 11, 2014)Invitation for Bids on Thermal Power Generation Facilities (2nd tender round)
In an effort to reduce the electricity supply cost, we are promoting open and fair procurement of electric power through bidding and the Japan Electric Power Exchange. As such, we have decided to invite bids for a total of 6,000 MW of capacity for thermal power generation facilities to begin supply during the period from April 2019 to March 2024.
The bids for this time have been extended to cover part of the bidding for the replacement of existing thermal power generation facilities with a supply capacity of 10,000 MW that is included in the "New Comprehensive Business Plan", in addition to the amount of 1,920 MW remaining from the last electricity bidding, which was held in FY2012 for the amount of 2,600 MW.
For the invitation, taking into consideration the result of the last bidding, we will keep the ceiling price unpublished
* and will also review the bidding conditions to enable them to adopt adjustments in order to reflect changes in construction costs and interest rates, and to include the US natural gas index as an option in the fuel indices.
In addition, in order to ensure transparency and fairness of the tender specifications and bid evaluation, we will put out a Request for Comments ("RFC") on our draft outline of the invitation for bids from April 21, 2014, and will also hold an orientation for operators.
To make a reservation for the orientation or for instructions on how to submit comments, please visit our exclusive webpage for the invitation of bids at
*: A revision has been made to the "Guidelines for bidding on new thermal power generation facilities" (specified by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy on September 18, 2012), which states "Decision on whether or not to publicize the maximum price in advance shall be made by the company who has placed the bids taking into account the prospect of bidding such as if sufficient competitiveness among bidders is ensured" (revised on February 26, 2014).