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Press Releases 2015

Press Release (Sep 28, 2015)Financial Support from the Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation

On September 28, we received a funding grant of 411.8 billion yen from the Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation (hereinafter referred to as NDF) based on the revision of the Special Business Plan which was approved on July 28, 2015.

This financial support was given in response to the 44th request we made in order to cover the compensation payouts due by the end of October 2015. The amount of the payouts to be paid by that time had been estimated to exceed the sum of the compensation we had received in accordance with the "Act on Contract for Indemnification of Nuclear Damage Compensation" (188.9 billion yen) and the financial support that the NDF has provided (5,134.3 billion yen).

With financial support from the NDF, we are determined to continue to pay the compensation with courtesy and compassion to all of those who have been afflicted by the nuclear damage.

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