Function tests being performed on a mockup
in preparation for the trial retrieval
of fuel debris from Unit 2
Click here for details
Primary containment vessel internal investigation (Non-submerged area)
Management status
Cold shutdown
Temperature at the
bottom of the reactor pressure vessel -
Temperature inside
the primary containment vessel
Fuel debris trial retrieval
Management status
Cold shutdown
Temperature at the
bottom of the reactor pressure vessel -
Temperature inside
the primary containment vessel
Preparations for the large-scale retrieval of fuel debris
Management status
Cold shutdown
Temperature at the
bottom of the reactor pressure vessel -
Temperature inside
the primary containment vessel
*Temperatures are measured at multiple locations, and one of the thermometers for each is shown for reference. Detailed data is available here.
Data/status last updated on:
We are carefully making preparations while prioritizing safety so as not to impact the surrounding environment.
【Mid-to Long-Term Roadmap Materials】 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 PCV Internal Investigation/Status of Fuel Debris Trial Retrieval
【Mid-to Long-Term Roadmap Materials】Unit 3 X‐6 Penetration Front Chamber Investigation Results
【Mid-to Long-Term Roadmap Materials】Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 PCV Internal Investigation/Status of Fuel Debris Trial Retrieval
Immediately after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident, our priority was to stabilize the plant. After that we focused on contaminated water countermeasures and we have now entered the new phase of “fuel debris retrieval,” which is the main task of the decommissioning process and will reduce risks associated with radiation.
As we engage in these unprecedented initiatives, we shall carefully take one step at a time while prioritizing safety so as to protect people and the environment from the effects of radiation.