Result of Radioactive Nuclide Analysis around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Results of radioactive nuclide analysis are published for the sample for below items in the power station and its surrounding area.
* Only Japanese for holidays and weekends
Prompt Report of Result of Nuclide Analysis (May, 2013)
The day colored dates in this calender indicate the latest updated dates.
in the Air at the Site of Power Station
Result of radioactive nuclide analysis for the air sampled in the power station.
Seawater near Power Station
Result of radioactive nuclide analysis for the seawater sampled on and offshore of the power station.
in Seawater taken near Intake Canal of Power Station
Result of radioactive nuclide analysis for the seawater sampled at near the intake canal of unit 1 to 4 of the power station.
Subsurface Water near the Turbine Buildings
Result of radioactive nuclide analysis for the water sampled from the sub drain around turbine buildings of unit 1 to 6.
Sub-drain Water in the Surroundings of Centralized Radiation Waste Treatment Facility
Result of radioactive nuclide analysis for the water sampled from the sub drain around centralized waste treatment facility.
Nuclide Analysis Results of the Underground Reservoirs
- May 31, 2013
- Nuclide Analysis Results of the Underground Reservoirs/Underground Reservoirs Observation Holes (As of May 30)
- May 30, 2013
- Underground Reservoir Tritium Analysis Results (As of May 22)
- May 30, 2013
- Nuclide Analysis Results of the Underground Reservoirs/Underground Reservoirs Observation Holes (As of May 29)
Display and non-display of article in the past
- May 31, 2013
- Nuclide Analysis Results of Radioactive Materials in Accumulated Water in Turbine Building Basement at Fukushima Daiichi NPS
- May 30, 2013
- Seawater collected in offshore area of Ibaraki Prefecture
- May 29, 2013
- Nuclides Analysis Result of the Radioactive Materials in the Air at the Opening of Buildings at Fukushima Daiichi NPS
- May 23, 2013
- in the soil
- Seawater collected in offshore area of Miyagi Prefecture
- May 22, 2013
- Fallout at and around the Site
- Nuclides Analysis Result of the Radioactive Materials in the Air at the Opening of Buildings at Fukushima Daiichi NPS
- May 21, 2013
- in the soil
- in the ocean soil off the coast
- May 17, 2013
- in the ocean soil off the coast (Dry Soil Rate : February, March 2013)
- May 15, 2013
- Nuclides Analysis Result of the Radioactive Materials in the Air at the Opening of Buildings at Fukushima Daiichi NPS (1)
Nuclides Analysis Result of the Radioactive Materials in the Air at the Opening of Buildings at Fukushima Daiichi NPS (2) - Gas Sampling Results of Unit 1 PCV Gas Control System Conducted at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Gas Sampling Results of Unit 2 PCV Gas Control System Conducted at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Gas Sampling Results of Unit 3 PCV Gas Control System Conducted at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station - Nuclides Analysis Result of the Radioactive Materials in the Air at the Upper Part of Unit 1 Reactor Building
Nuclides Analysis Result of the Radioactive Materials in the Air at the Exhaust System of the Unit 2 Reactor Building
Nuclides Analysis Result of the Radioactive Materials in the Air at the Upper Part of Unit 3 Reactor Building
- May 10, 2013
- Nuclides Analysis Results of the Radioactive Materials in the Air at the Opening of Buildings at Fukushima Daiichi NPS
- May 2, 2013
- Seawater collected in offshore area of Ibaraki and Miyagi Prefecture
Confirmed Results of Nuclide Analysis (May, 2013)
- May 31, 2013
- For updated from April 16 to April 30
- May 17, 2013
- For updated from April 1 to April 15
Seawater taken from Unit 1 to 4 side of South Discharge Channel (May, 2013)
The day colored dates in this calender indicate the latest updated dates.
Nuclide analysis is in operation on the radioactive materials in the water sampled near the South Discharge Channel (approximately 330m south of Unit 1-4 side of the South Discharge Channel) in response to the leaked water from the pipeline connecting from Desalination System (Reverse Osmosis Membrane) to Concentrated Water Storage Tank (occurred on March 26 and April 5, 2012).
* The sampling location has been changed on November 26, 2012. (Sampling is performed at approx. 1km south of the previous location.)
Nuclide Analysis Results of Water at Water Treatment Facility
- May 31, 2013
- Measurement results of radioactive density of water at water treatment facility
- May 10, 2013
- Measurement results of radioactive density of water at water treatment facility
Nuclide Analysis Results of Fish and Shellfish(The Ocean Area Within 20km Radius of Fukushima Daiichi NPS)
- May 31, 2013
- Nuclide Analysis Results of Fish and Shellfish
- May 17, 2013
- Nuclide Analysis Results of Fish and Shellfish (Exclude in the port of Fukushima Daiichi NPS)
Nuclide Analysis Results of Fish and Shellfish (In the port of Fukushima Daiichi NPS)
Some name of the samples are corrected on May 31, 2013 (corrected parts are indicated within red frame).

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The recent data is here.