The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (TEPCO) announced that operating revenues
for the FY 2011 first quarter (from April 1 to June 30, 2011) decreased 7.2%
from the same period of the previous fiscal year to 1,133.1 billion yen
(down 7.8% to 1,077.9 billion yen on a non-consolidated basis). Ordinary
losses were 62.7 billion yen (71.7 billion yen on a non-consolidated basis).
Quarterly net losses were 571.7 billion yen (573.8 billion yen on a non-
consolidated basis), due to costs and losses of 105.5 billion yen (105.3
billion yen on a non-consolidated basis) resulting from restoration costs,
etc. of the properties damaged by the Tohoku-Chihou-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake,
and estimated extraordinary losses of 397.7 billion yen on a non-consolidated
basis related to the nuclear damage compensation payments to recompense those
afflicted by the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in
accordance with "The Interim Guidelines for the Scope of Nuclear Damage due
to the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Station Accidents" issued
by the Dispute Reconciliation Committee for Nuclear Damage Compensation.
Electricity sales in the FY 2011 first quarter decreased 12.1% from the same
period of the previous fiscal year to 60.2 billion kWh as a result of a
decrease of all kinds of electricity usage compared to the previous year due
to our customers' cooperation in helping us save electricity and a decline
in production activities.
Per demand type, electricity sales for residential use decreased by 10.0%
to 20.5 billion kWh, those for low-voltage power decreased by 11.3% to 2.3
billion kWh, and those for specified-scale demand decreased by 13.2% to
37.3 billion kWh, compared with the previous fiscal year, respectively.
On the revenues side, electricity industry sales revenues decreased 8.1%
from the same period of the previous fiscal year to 1,006.2 billion yen due
to such factors as a decrease in electricity sales. Operating revenues,
including electricity sales to other companies, etc., decreased by 7.2% to
1,133.1 billion yen (down 7.8% to 1,077.9 billion yen on a non-consolidated
basis). Ordinary revenues decreased by 7.4% to 1,159.0 billion yen (down
7.2% to 1,102.9 billion yen on a non-consolidated basis).
On the expenses side, ordinary expenses in the electricity business
increased 1.7% from the previous fiscal year to 1,221.8 billion yen (up
1.5% to 1,174.6 billion yen on a non-consolidated basis) due to the increase
in fuel costs caused by fuel price hikes.
This English translation has been prepared with the intention of creating
an accurate and complete reflection of the original Japanese version for
the convenience of our English-speaking audience. However, if there are any
discrepancies between the translation and the original, the latter shall

Appendices: Closing Summary (PDF 14.3KB) Summary of Non-consolidated Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of FY2011
(April 1 through June 30, 2011) (PDF 21.3KB) Projections for Fiscal Year 2011 (PDF 7.67KB)
<Reference 1> Table of Data on Revenues and Expenses (Non-Consolidated Basis)
(PDF 7.64KB) <Reference 2> Detailed Breakdown of Extraordinary Loss (Non-Consolidated
Basis) (PDF 8.72KB)