The TEPCO Group makes active efforts to promote CSR initiatives, such as by ensuring sound corporate governance to increasemanagement transparency, strengthening risk management systems, and disclosing pertinent information to stakeholders.
Value social trust
Our corporate activities are founded on earning trust from society
The TEPCO Group operates numerous power facilities, including power plants and transmission lines, in various regions in Japan, to deliver electricity, which is a vital lifeline in modern society. As appropriate to the nature of our business, we try to create occasions for interaction with our stakeholders as much as possible. The first policy in our Group Management Principle also emphasizes the significance of holding dialogues with all who support our business and of responding to their expectations with sincerity.
Stakeholders of the TEPCO Group
The CSR Committee (established in July 2004), headed by the CSR Officer, discusses important matters that pertain to the corporate social responsibility of the entire TEPCO Group. The CSR Liaison Council has been set up under the committee, as a working level council charged with the task of increasing the effectiveness of CSR initiatives.
To enhance environmental management at all TEPCO Group companies, the Environmental Management Panel carries out environmental strategies, establishes targets, and checks and reviews environmental activities. The Corporate Communications Council deliberates publicity-related issues that should be shared and discussed across the Group, from the perspective of CSR, and the Group Company Management Information Board promotes Group-wide dissemination of the CSR policy.
CSR promotion framework
© Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.