New Growth Opportunities

Initiatives Implemented by TEPCO Ventures, Inc.

A business model that relies on distributed energy resources (batteries) and IT technology is emerging in the US and Europe, transforming (revolutionizing) the existing electric power business. TEPCO Ventures is examining and analyzing this business model. We implement business models that are difficult for the core operating companies to immediately engage in. We also study and promote those models by considering both the related risks and growth potential. In addition, our job is to study and promote business models outside the electric power business by combining our infrastructure with innovations in other fields.

Business Operation Overview

Flexibility Resource Business

  • Provides frequency regulation services to PJM
  • Looks forward to creating additional innovative business opportunities overseas.

tepcotta Business (Child Monitoring Service)

Launched protection services aimed at parents to ensure the safety of elementary school children. The services became available in Shibuya Ward in May 2017, in Fuchu City in October 2017, and in Setagaya Ward in April 2018.
Children carry transmitters (shaped like key holders) with built-in beacons that use base stations in the city to send the location information of the children to their parents' smartphones.

IoT Platform Business

Provides assistance services for managing power stations and other infrastructure with IoT technologies. Also develops platforms, systems, and software for such services.

High-Speed PLC Business

Superimposes communication signals on the electric signals of power lines to ensure the following:

  1. High-speed continuous connections
  2. High level of security
  3. Plug & Play functionality

This method is applied to Internet networks, smart home services, IoT technology in buildings, and street light control systems by utilizing the existing resources such as utility poles and power lines.

Electric Vehicle Business

Charging electric vehicles at home can be much faster than before. Charging time of day can also be shifted to avoid concentration of the load on distribution networks, which benefits electricity companies.

Drone Highway Concept

Providing a Skyway which enables drones to fly safely, and Drone Ports which enable drones to charge and land temporarily.

Electricity Retailing

TEPCO ventures, a TEPCO group company, is expanding into online renewable energy retail sales under the brand name "Ashita denki" through TRENDE Inc. and distributed energy solutions, aiming to provide a P2P trading platform in the future.

Initiatives Implemented by Our Core Operating Companies

TEPCO Fuel & Power

As a group of thermal power professionals, TEPCO Fuel & Power has been seeking to improve availability, maximize thermal efficiency, and reduce costs.
We utilize the experience and know-how accumulated through these operations to help our customers optimize the operation of their power stations.
Our solution services are provided by experts working in various fields and utilizing their extensive knowledge, which spans from entire value chain including fuel upstream, transportation, storage, and power generation to facility planning, design, construction and operation. These services focus on creating ideal solutions for our customers and their facilities.
In addition to offering technological solutions based on our power plant know-how, including equipment analysis, maintenance plan reviews, and shortening inspection periods, we can handle various services related to predictive detection and thermal efficiency management with the latest IoT technologies. Our services also include personnel training with a focus on educational programs that combine lectures and practical courses.

TEPCO Power Grid

TEPCO Power Grid is continuing its efforts to create a fair and highly transparent power transmission environment that is easy to use for all users and allows reduced transmission costs as well as a stable supply through a diverse transmission and distribution network. In our efforts to achieve even more growth, we are also striving to expand our business areas, including overseas, by making the most of technological competencies and human resources that we have cultivated.

TEPCO Energy Partner

As an integrated energy service company that focuses on supplying electricity and gas, TEPCO Energy Partner provides products and services which reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in order to make people's lives and work more pleasant and secure. Our efforts are also concentrated on proactive implementation of IoT and similar technologies with the goal of creating new value that meets a wide variety of demands, including those related to convenience and entertainment.

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