
Our new Corporate Philosophy consists of ″Mission,″ ″Vision,″ and ″Values.″

″Mission″ represents the TEPCO Group’s mission.

Our mission and raison d‘être is to deliver value that goes beyond the expectations of individual customers. To this end, we will first commit to fulfilling our responsibilities for Fukushima and pursue expanding possibilities in the world of energy and deliver a safe and comfortable life for all stakeholders—such as customers and business partners—,  in addition to providing electricity and gas in a safe and stable manner.

″Vision″ represents what we want to achieve five to ten years from now.

Trust from stakeholders is the foundation of TEPCO Group’s operations. By rolling out operations centered on global carbon neutrality and regional disaster preparedness for a safe and sustainable society, we will strive to create new value and be a corporate group that customers continue to trust and choose.

″Values″ represent values that are shared across the TEPCO Group and what each employee must always pay respect toward to achieve our Mission and Vision.

″Top Priority on Safety″ and ″Fulfill our Responsibilities″ are the TEPCO Group’s essential principles of action. By also constantly maintaining our ″Customer-focused” and ″Dare to Innovate” principles, we will grow as a business entity together with employees.

Defining Goals and Guidelines

The goals and guidelines of our corporate ethics and compliance policies are defined in a clear manner.

In "TEPCO Group Charter of Corporate Conduct" and "Code of Conduct Related to the Corporate Ethics and Compliance Policies of the TEPCO Group," we clearly define the corporate guidelines and requirements that our employees and directors must observe.

TEPCO Group Charter of Corporate Conduct

We have created "TEPCO Group Charter of Corporate Conduct," which defines the conduct guidelines to be observed within the TEPCO Group. This is to ensure that CSR (corporate social responsibility) measures are implemented throughout the group companies.

TEPCO Group Charter of Corporate Conduct PDF version (82.2KB)

Code of Conduct Related to the Corporate Ethics and Compliance Policies of the TEPCO Group

In order to fulfill its social responsibilities, the TEPCO Group has created "Code of Conduct Related to the Corporate Ethics and Compliance Policies of the TEPCO Group," which specifies concrete conduct guidelines related to our corporate ethics that our employees and directors must observe. We also revise these guidelines as necessary according to the changes that take place inside or outside the company.
These guidelines can be roughly divided into three groups: "1. Observing the rules," "2. Acting in good faith," and "3. Communicating openly."

Code of Conduct Related to the Corporate Ethics and Compliance Policies of the TEPCO Group PDF version (436KB)

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