Daily measurement data and analysis results are announced, enabling the public including local communities to confirm radiation levels in the area.
Use of the data is explained here.

Results of radioactive material analysis at each collection point (for August 2020)


Air at power station site

Radionuclide analysis is conducted of air collected inside the power station site.

Note:As of the samples collected August 30, 2017, gamma radionuclide analysis of dust collected at three monitoring points at the west gate and boundary of the site (MP-1, 3, 8), at three locations near Units 1 to 4 (north-side slope near Unit 1, west side slope near Units 1 and 2, west-side slope near Units 3 and 4), and on the ocean side of Units 1 to 4 was stopped, changing to observations by continuous dust monitors located inside the site.

For reference: See here for the status of dust monitor measurements near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station site boundary.

Note:also that air sampling for strontium and plutonium analysis, by means of a monitoring car located near the west gate of the site, continues to be conducted once every half year (April and October).


English form

Seawater near power station
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31          

Radionuclide analysis is conducted of seawater collected along the coast of the power station.

English form

Seawater near water intakes by Units 1 to 4
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31          

Radionuclide analysis is conducted of seawater collected near the water intakes of Units 1 to 4.

*Results of radionuclide analysis of seawater near power station and near water intakes of Units 1 to 4

Starting April 2, 2019, a change was made to where the seawater radionuclide analysis results are archived for the power station coastline and near the Unit 1 to 4 water intakes. Please see here. (Pages showing seawater analysis results in PDF files archived in the section headed “Monitoring on east side of Unit 1 to 4 turbine buildings and bay” )
Note that graphs and detailed analysis results from remeasuring, and analysis results for other collection points, continue to be archived as in the past.

Results of radionuclide analysis of seawater near south discharge outlets of Units 1 to 4

As of September 2018, a change was made to where the radionuclide analysis results are archived for seawater sampled near the south discharge outlets of Units 1 to 4. Please see here. (Pages showing seawater analysis results in PDF files archived in the section headed “Monitoring on east side of Unit 1 to 4 turbine buildings and bay”)

Seawater at bay entrance (measured by radioactivity monitors)

Starting October 1, 2016, data indicating the latest status in 10-minute intervals is made available in real time.

Subdrain water

English form

Subdrain water near turbine building
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31          

Radionuclide analysis is conducted of radioactive materials in water collected from subdrains, etc. near the turbine buildings of Units 1 to 6.

English form

Subdrain water near the centralized waste treatment facility
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31          

Radionuclide analysis is conducted of radioactive materials in water collected from the subdrain near the centralized waste treatment facility.

Subdrain and groundwater drain sampling

Groundwater near buildings is pumped up before it can enter the buildings (measure to minimize increase in contaminated water). Moreover, groundwater flowing toward the sea that has been dammed up by installing an ocean-side impermeable wall (measure to prevent contaminated water from leaking) is pumped up, cleaned, and checked for water quality before being discharged into the ocean, in a water treatment facility for subdrain, etc. that went into operation in September 2015. Groundwater that has been pumped up is stored in temporary storage tanks, radioactivity levels are measured, and confirmation is made that it is within operational targets.
To ensure objectivity of the analysis results, radiation level analysis is also conducted by third-party agencies.

Cesium-134 Cesium-137 All beta Strontium Tritium
Operational targets for temporary storage tanks 1Bq/l 1Bq/l 3Bq/l - 1500Bq/l
(For reference) Regulatory limits 60Bq/l 90Bq/l - 30Bq/l 60000Bq/l
WHO guidelines for drinking-water quality 10Bq/l 10Bq/l - 10Bq/l 10000Bq/l

An overview of subdrain initiatives and implementation status is given here.

Transfer tank analysis results

The most recent data is from June 14, 2016.

Temporary storage tank and water collection tank analysis results

English form

Weighted average sample analysis results
20(As of June, 2020)24(In the first quarter of FY2020)

Note:Analysis is conducted on water collected before discharge after mixing in the same ratio as that of discharged water each time to all discharged water for that month.

Analysis results for discharged water

English form

The most recent data is from June 15, 2020.

Groundwater bypass-related sampling

As a measure for minimizing the increase in contaminated water, a groundwater bypass went into operation in May 2014, by which groundwater on the mountain side is pumped up before it can enter buildings and its water quality is confirmed before it is discharged into the ocean. Groundwater that has been pumped up is stored in temporary storage tanks, radiation levels are measured, and confirmation is made that it is within operational targets.
To ensure objectivity of the analysis results, radiation level analysis is also conducted by third-party agencies.

Cesium-134 Cesium-137 All beta Strontium Tritium
Operational targets for temporary storage tanks 1Bq/l 1Bq/l 5Bq/l - 1500Bq/l
(For reference) Regulatory limits 60Bq/l 90Bq/l - 30Bq/l 60000Bq/l
WHO guidelines for drinking-water quality 10Bq/l 10Bq/l - 10Bq/l 10000Bq/l

An overview of the groundwater bypass initiative and implementation status is given here, along with related materials.

Pumping well analysis results
Temporary storage tank analysis results

English Form

Weighted average sample analysis results

English Form

26(As of June, 2020)
Analysis results for discharged water

The most recent data is from June 15, 2020.

Monitoring for tank leakage

In response to leakage from a bottom flange of Tank No. 5 in the I group of the H4 tank area discovered in August 2013, dripping from an upper top plate of a B south area tank (B-A5) occurring in October 2013, and leakage from a flange of an upper top plate of the C1 tank in the H6 tank area occurring in February 2014, ongoing sampling has been implemented to monitor the effects of such leakage. This sampling is conducted near the south discharge outlets of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, the discharge channels on the site premises, and around the H4 area tanks.

South discharge outlets and discharge channels

Note:Starting September 2018, a change was made to where the analysis results are archived for the south discharge outlets and discharge channels.
See here for the analysis results for the south discharge outlets. See here for the analysis results for the discharge channels.

Observation holes around the H4 tank area
613(See Highest Does)2027
Observation holes around the H6 tank area

Sampling of sprinkled water that has been treated in rainwater treatment equipment after being dammed in tank area

Rainwater dammed in the tank area, after being treated using the reverse osmosis (RO) desalination and other systems, since May 2014 has been sprinkled on the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. To confirm the impact of this sprinkling, levels of radioactive materials in the treated water (sprinkled water) and in the air at the sprinkling locations, and the surrounding air dose rates, are analyzed.

English Form

The most recent data is from June 14, 2016.

Monitoring on east side of Unit 1 to 4 turbine buildings and bay

Radionuclide analysis is conducted of groundwater on the east side of Unit 1 to 4 turbine buildings and of seawater in the bay, for confirming sources of radioactive materials in groundwater and their diffusion status, and for monitoring impact on the ocean.

1234(See Highest Does)5678910111213(See Highest Does)141516171819(See Highest Does)202122(See Highest Does)232425262728293031
CSV data [for and priot to August 2020] Seawater, Groundwater( North of Unit 1 , Between Unit 1 and 2 water intakes , Between Unit 2 and 3 water intakes, Between Unit 3 and 4 water intakes

Detailed analysis results of groundwater around Unit 1 to 4 buildings

In purification testing of wells (subdrain pits) adjacent to Unit 1 to 4 buildings, radioactive materials were detected in water accumulated in the pits. Given the possibility that the source of this radiation is from fallout, new observation pits were installed near Unit 1 to 4 buildings, and fallout is being monitored.

The most recent data is from October 1, 2014.

Sampling data from discharge channels on the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station

Monitoring of each of the discharge channels continues, since rainwater flows into the channels after falling on the turbine building roofs, which were contaminated by fallout at the time of the accident.


Analysis results for underground reservoirs

In response to the external leaking of water stored in an underground reservoir, occurring in April 2013, impact on the surroundings is being monitored, analyzing groundwater at leak detection holes installed next to the reservoirs and observation holes around them.
Note that the amount of underground reservoir leakage was thereafter assessed to be around 20 to 30 liters.

English Form

August 26, 2020
Tritium Analysis Results of the Underground Bypass (Investigation Holes/Pumping Well) and the Sea Side Observation Holes (As of August 24)
August 25, 2020
Nuclide Analysis Results of the Underground Bypass (Investigation Holes/Pumping Well) and the Sea Side Observation Holes (As of August 24)
August 19, 2020
Tritium Analysis Results of the Underground Bypass (Investigation Holes/Pumping Well) and the Sea Side Observation Holes (As of August 17)
August 18, 2020
Nuclide Analysis Results of the Underground Bypass (Investigation Holes/Pumping Well) and the Sea Side Observation Holes (As of August 17)
August 12, 2020
Tritium Analysis Results of the Underground Bypass (Investigation Holes/Pumping Well) and the Sea Side Observation Holes (As of August 10)
August 11, 2020
Nuclide Analysis Results of the Underground Bypass (Investigation Holes/Pumping Well) and the Sea Side Observation Holes (As of August 10)
August 8, 2020
Underground Reservoir Nuclide Analysis Results (As of August 7)
August 8, 2020
Underground Reservoir Observation Holes Nuclide Analysis Results (As of August 7)
August 7, 2020
Underground Reservoir Nuclide Analysis Results (As of August 6)
August 7, 2020
Underground Reservoir Observation Holes Nuclide Analysis Results (As of August 6)
August 6, 2020
Underground Reservoir Nuclide Analysis Results (As of August 5)
August 6, 2020
Underground Reservoir Observation Holes Nuclide Analysis Results (As of August 5)
August 5, 2020
Underground Reservoir Nuclide Analysis Results (As of August 4)
August 5, 2020
Underground Reservoir Observation Holes Nuclide Analysis Results (As of August 4)
August 5, 2020
Tritium Analysis Results of the Underground Bypass (Investigation Holes/Pumping Well) and the Sea Side Observation Holes (As of August 3)
August 4, 2020
Nuclide Analysis Results of the Underground Bypass (Investigation Holes/Pumping Well) and the Sea Side Observation Holes (As of August 3)


Water Treatment Equipment Analysis Results

English Form


Fish and Shellfish Analysis Results
(waters within 20km of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station)

At the time of the accident, high-level radioactive contamination from the basement of the turbine buildings flowed into the bay via underground trenches and other routes. In response, analysis of fish and shellfish collected from the bay and other waters within 20km of the power station is carried out to confirm the impact on the fish and shellfish and its progression.

Data for Analysis Results of Fish and Shellfish are posted monthly as “News Release” and you could fine the latest version here.

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